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organising team

The essential group of people who are necessary for a great session are definitely the Organisers. Their job involves working as a part of a team which requires a lot of clear communication. They need to have the ability to work well under pressure, but to still stay positive, and certainly to have team spirit as well.


Even though it might seem that organisers work only during the session, it is not entirely true. They are the people who do fundraising, choose venues, plan every part of the programme, they are the ones who make sure there are things prepared for Teambuilding, Committee Work and coffee breaks, and more importantly, their role is to ensure the participation of Officials and Delegates. Organisers simply do everything to ensure an efficient and smooth course of the session even though the session has not yet started.

During the event, Organisers are the first ones to wake up and the last ones to go to bed. They could even be called the encyclopedia of the session – they know everybody, and know where everything was, is or is going to be. Therefore in case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact them.

chairs' team

During the session, the participants’ working groups are facilitated by experienced EYP Alumni, the Chairpersons. Working in a team can be hard. EYP believes in consensus as the only way of decision-making, but this will only work in a group in which every member has found a comfortable balance between contribution and compromise. It is the task of the Chairperson to motivate his/her group and to provide it with support and guidance if needed throughout the process of discussion.

media team

The role of the Media Team at EYP sessions is to document and preserve the session. The press team works hard to make sure that nothing that happens at the session is missed and that all the jokes and session themes are captured. At the upcoming forum, the Media Team will put together a session paper, which will provide Delegates with both academic articles and fun features. The aim of the Media Team is to enhance the Delegates’ experience of the session! Most participants will return home after the session with a condition we call ‘PED’ – Post-EYP Depression. For this reason the Media Team will allow Delegates to look back on the experience and let the memories live on through the use of media such as paper, photography and videos.



jury teaM

The Jury is a group of independent experienced EYPers who will visit all the parts of the session and try to get to know as much as possible about delegates. Why? They do it in order to select school delegations which will get the opportunity to participate at the upcoming two International Sessions and various Forums during 2015 and 2016. Apart from school delegations, a number of individual delegates will be selected.


The Jury strives to find balanced teams, reflecting a set of criteria focusing on academic qualities and other abilities and skills as well as dedication shown throughout the entire conference.

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